Wednesday, August 20, 2008


In August? You bet! We're getting into the New Year spirit of goal setting for the future and reflecting back on the past as we prepare for another school year at the Alliance Academy International.

First, reflecting back:

We've had a jam-packed summer in the U.S. with friends and family. What an emotional rollercoaster to sandwich so many hellos and goodbyes into such a short time! We were encouraged by our visits with so many of you, bummed out to miss a few of you, and grateful for the prayers and hugs and hospitality shown to us. Thanks especially for your prayers for the boys, who were real troopers through six location changes and many hours in the car.

While we enjoyed our time in the U.S., we felt homesick for our lives in Quito, which was a neat confirmation that we are where we need to be.

For a musical photo extravaganza of our lives in Quito up until our trip to the U.S., please watch Dave's video creation below:

Next, looking ahead:

While in the U.S., Dave stocked up on resources for the coming school year. He'll be teaching a new class, "World Religions and Cults" as well as repeating "Discipleship" and "Bible Study Methods."

More than anything, Dave wants his students to see Jesus in him this school year. He also has goals of mentoring relationships with at least five students, as well as starting to help out with coaching the junior varsity boys' soccer team.

One of Beth's goals for the new year is to get to know Ecuador better by cooking more Ecuadorian food.

Beth is also shooting to join up with Bible Study Fellowship, as well as continue her involvement leading music for Titus Women, her church Bible Study.

Both of us are excited to keep having students over to our home. Purchase of a vehicle would be a giant step toward facilitating this goal. It's not safe to walk after dark in Quito and we would like to be able to chauffeur friends (and our family of five!) around when need be. Would you please consider making a gift toward the car fund? Thank you!

(A Bit of) What We Did This Summer ...