Levi Matteo Age: 12 Grade: 6th Hobbies: Reading book series & playing strategy board games 2017 Goals: I want a big part in the sixth grade year-end play. I want to practice driving the car more (parent note: this only happens on private, off-road property!). I want to host lots of game nights with friends. I want to keep running the media (lyrics, sermon slides) at church.
Luke Isaiah Age: 10 Grade: 5th Hobbies: Learning science facts and comic book sketching 2017 Goals: I want to start learning to drive. I want to design a video game. I want to do some big paintings on large canvases. |
Aaron James Age: 8 Grade: 3rd Hobbies: Playing soccer and entertaining friends and family with humor 2017 Goals: I want to keep playing on my soccer team. I want to get better in math and social studies. I want to run a 5K road race. I want to have sleep overs with my friends.
Evangeline Joy Age: 7 Grade: 1st Hobbies: Composing and singing songs and cooking with mom. 2017 Goals: I want to make every recipe in my Princess Cookbook. I want to play violin. I want to get baptized. I want to have a cooking-themed birthday. I want to read chapter books.