Thursday, September 30, 2010


"You sound like my grandma! I'll think about God when I get older!" When Mario* graduated from the Alliance Academy to study in Europe, following God was the last thing on his mind. Dave wondered if the seeds planted in his classes would bear fruit. This fall, Mario came back for a visit and amazed us with his transformation. "I hit rock bottom in Europe. It was such a spiritually dead place. But I remembered what you taught me in class." Mario is on fire for God today, involved in his church and eager to help other young people learn to follow God, especially in the hard places.

"I never knew how to read the Bible until I took your class," said Carlos during Dave's Discipleship course. "You make it come alive." Dave asks each student to have an adult mentor through the course and Carlos' mentor has commented, "I've known him for years and since he's taken Bible with you, his life has been totally transformed."

Your gifts help make it possible for Dave to pour truth into Mario and Carlos' lives and the lives of other young people who are at crucial moments of decision. Thank you so much for being a part of this exciting work. We couldn't be here without your partnership!

                                                       *names changed


  • Energy and good organization for Dave, who is teaching more courses, with fuller classes than ever.
  • Adjustment for two-year-old Aaron, who is really missing his older brothers now that they are both in school.
  • Diligence and a teachable spirit for me (Beth) as I study Isaiah with Bible Study Fellowship and study the Old Testament tabernacle with the women's Bible study at our church.

Looking back over our seven weeks in the U.S.A. this summer, we are overwhelmed by the beautiful friendships that surrounded us. Thank you for the encouragement of sharing your lives with us. 

Sharing at church

Evangeline and Aaron's church dedication
The biggest surprise blessing for us was how much our faith was strengthened by hearing your stories and by being able to share ours repeatedly. It's so good to take time to step back and remind ourselves of God's faithfulness over time.

Evangeline learned to walk (and climb) this summer

Levi and Luke learned to ride bikes

All the Douglas family reunited for the first time in 3 years

Lots of summer fun
Over the summer, we saw God provide a free vehicle to use, ideal housing options for our family, many uplifting visits with friends, new clothes for our fast growing kids, fresh reading resources for Dave's classroom, and a free plane trip for me (Beth) to my brother's wedding in Canada, to name just a few. Also, God provided almost half of our summer fundraising goal through your generosity. We have so much for which to be grateful and we hope that "counting our blessings" lifts your heart up as well.

Dave and Beth Saavedra